Sunday, July 26, 2009

Stocks trading and Finance ebooks

Here is a collection of some of the most popular and best stocks trading ebooks, with well-respected authors like Benjamin Graham and Alexander Elder:
The Motley Fool Money Guide
Benjamin Graham - Intelligent Investor
Donald P. Delves - Stock options and the new rules
George M. Jabbour - The option trader handbook (strategies and trade adjustment)
Alexander Elder - Trading for a living
Alexander Elder - Come into my trading room
Alexander Elder - Study guide for come into my trading room (a complete guide to trading)
Barry Rudd - Stock patterns for day trading and swing trading
David Dreman - Contrarian investment strategies (the next generation)

Dennis Eisen - Using options to buy stocks (build wealth with little risk and no capital)
Alexander Elder - Come into my trading room a complete guide to trading

Gerald Appel - Technical analysis power tools for active investors
Ken Wolff - Trading on momentum advanced techniques for high percentage day trading
Martin J.Pring - Technical analysis for short-term traders
Michel Fleuriet - Finance a fine art
Robert G Hagstrom - The Warren Buffett Way 2nd Edition
Stephn Bigalow - Big profit patterns using candlestick signals and GAPS

Steve Nison - Japanese candlestick charting techniques
Tony Oz - How I make a living trading stocks
Van K Tharp - Trade your way to financial freedom

William O'Neil - How to make money in stocks

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